Made in Germany
PreciÂsion castÂing
The lost-wax castÂing process is a very old techÂnolÂogy that makes it possiÂble to produce compliÂcated indiÂvidÂual parts or even large series. Often, the castÂings do not need to be reworked, thanks to their high preciÂsion. The indusÂtry has develÂoped many castÂing systems for very specific appliÂcaÂtions. Whether presÂsure, centrifuÂgal, vacuum or continÂuÂous castÂing, with or withÂout inert gas purgÂing, crucibles are needed everyÂwhere. Due to the differÂent meltÂing behavÂiour of metals and their alloys, the meltÂing temperÂaÂture level and the chemÂiÂcal reacÂtion patterns, the variÂety of crucibles increases dramatÂiÂcally. Crucibles are used up to a meltÂing temperÂaÂture of 2400°C. Cast crucibles are required for the manuÂfacÂture of turbochargÂers, impellers, turbine blades and other preciÂsion parts. The range of possiÂble appliÂcaÂtions is endless. GTS compleÂments this range with a variÂety of auxilÂiary objects, such as dosage plungers, castÂing cores, nozzle inserts and castÂing containÂers.