GTS Keramik
Made in Germany

Aero­space indus­try

In the aero­space indus­try, the search is on for new mate­ri­als that can meet the exact­ing require­ments. Ceramic is a promis­ing and impor­tant mate­r­ial for this purpose. Prop­er­ties such as heat resis­tance, ther­mal insu­la­tion, wear resis­tance, protec­tion against corro­sion and also specific weight are of key impor­tance. Many metals or carbon fibres reach their limits here and cannot fulfil the strin­gent require­ments. At this point, ceram­ics are often used. The devel­op­ment of compos­ites with ceramic fibre mate­ri­als has revo­lu­tionised aircraft construc­tion. This has made it possi­ble to reduce weight and increase crack­ing resis­tance. GTS supplies compa­nies that work in this field and supports them in devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion. Through the lively exchange of many years’ expe­ri­ence, new ideas emerge and both parties bene­fit as a result. With the help of 3D print­ing, complex and compli­cated modules are designed and imple­mented. This new process facil­i­tates the imple­men­ta­tion of compli­cated compo­nents and enables savings of produc­tion tool costs.
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