GTS Keramik
Made in Germany

Phar­ma­ceu­tics and medi­cine

In the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and medical tech­nol­ogy sectors, GTS is recog­nised as a major supplier of high-qual­ity prod­ucts. As implant tech­nol­ogy is constantly evolv­ing, new demands are constantly being placed on us. Accord­ingly, the qual­ity of our ceram­ics has been devel­oped further. Today we can offer vibrated and cast crucibles in many sizes and qual­i­ties. The use of our prod­ucts in phar­macy and medical tech­nol­ogy will remain a chal­lenge for us in the future, which we will meet through targeted further devel­op­ment and through coop­er­a­tion with major research centres. GTS bene­fits from coop­er­a­tion with univer­si­ties and insti­tutes. We partic­i­pate in research projects whose results will become the accepted stan­dards in medical tech­nol­ogy in the future. Among other things, we have worked on a synthetic bone substi­tute in coop­er­a­tion with the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute in Dres­den. The melt­ing and cast­ing of pure tita­nium also forms part of our devel­op­ment programme. In our labo­ra­tory, we test dental crucibles and anneal­ing dishes for their suit­abil­ity and develop these further. Melt­ing crucibles for large-size implants, such as hip joints and support splints, are tested under oper­at­ing condi­tions by a part­ner company.
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