About us


Up to the present, GTS has devel­oped into one of the lead­ing manu­fac­tur­ers of indus­trial ceram­ics in Germany. The focus of our research and devel­op­ment work lies in, among others, the fields of special ceram­ics and wear tech­nol­ogy. Today, the expan­sion and further devel­op­ment of the family-owned company GTS is already under the manage­ment of the second gener­a­tion.

The acqui­si­tion of market competi­tors has further consol­i­dated GTS’ well-estab­lished posi­tion as a market leader in preci­sion cast­ing, jewellery cast­ing, and labo­ra­tory and medical tech­nol­ogy. Our corpo­rate philos­o­phy thereby contin­ues to exem­plify high qual­ity and constant devel­op­ment. Consult­ing and direct exchange with our customers is central to our work. We are happy to assist or super­vise projects that high­light our research and devel­op­ment exper­tise. In addi­tion, we offer a wide range of stan­dard­ised prod­uct groups at attrac­tive prices in the proven high GTS qual­ity.

More than 100 univer­si­ties and research insti­tutes in Europe currently collab­o­rate with GTS. Thus, for exam­ple, the devel­op­ment of arti­fi­cial bone substi­tute, new ceramic grades for plat­inum cast­ing, as well as of reac­tion cham­bers for biogas energy gener­a­tion has been deci­sively influ­enced by our work. So, it is impor­tant to us to be an active member of vari­ous organ­i­sa­tions and research projects for inno­va­tions and new devel­op­ments.

Andreas Müller - Geschäftsführer GTS KERAMIK
Andreas MĂĽller
Geschäfts­führer GTS KERAMIK

Company history

In 1985, Horst Müller founded the company FMCP on behalf of the Belgian stain­less-steel foundry Magot­teaux S.A. in Düssel­dorf, the orig­i­nal produc­tion plant for crucibles with an affil­i­ated devel­op­ment labo­ra­tory.

The main focus of the research work was on the field of special ceram­ics and wear tech­nol­ogy. As a result, ceramic grind­ing balls of the high­est qual­ity were already devel­oped over 25 years ago. The parent company, Magot­teaux S.A., bene­fited from these tech­ni­cal devel­op­ments and founded the grind­ing ball plant Megac­e­ram S.A. in Belgium. Mr Horst Müller was entrusted with the setting up and devel­op­ment of the plant as its tech­ni­cal manager.

A few years later, the produc­tion plant in Düssel­dorf would be priva­tised. Horst Müller took over the Belgian branch and founded GTS (Giess-Tech­nis­che-Sonderk­eramik GmbH & Co. KG) in 1991. For another ten years, his path repeat­edly led him back to the parent company. As a consul­tant, he placed his now invalu­able knowl­edge at the disposal of the Magot­teaux Group. Mean­while, he fostered the expan­sion and tech­ni­cal devel­op­ment of GTS.

Over time, the success­ful use of GTS prod­ucts led to an expan­sion of the company. This posi­tive devel­op­ment ensured that GTS became a well-estab­lished manu­fac­turer in the areas of preci­sion cast­ing, jewellery cast­ing, the labo­ra­tory and medical tech­nol­ogy sectors, and even a market leader in certain fields.

Owing to the steady growth of GTS, Horst Müller appointed his son Andreas Müller to the exec­u­tive board in 2004. He brought deci­sive new ideas and momen­tum to the company, enabling GTS to make a further leap forward in its devel­op­ment. Both gener­a­tions jointly contribute knowl­edge, skills and passion­ate enthu­si­asm for ceram­ics.

In 2005, GTS took over the ceramic foundry of Megac­e­ram S.A. and relo­cated its produc­tion from Belgium to Düssel­dorf. The result was a further strength­en­ing of GTS on the inter­na­tional market, so that its partic­i­pa­tion in research and devel­op­ment projects also increased. Mean­while, over 100 univer­si­ties and research centres currently bene­fit from this collab­o­ra­tion.

Research and devel­op­ment

GTS has been conduct­ing research in the fields of special ceram­ics and wear tech­nol­ogy since 1985. GTS sees research and devel­op­ment as the basis for the inno­va­tion and the high qual­ity of its prod­ucts, in accor­dance with its motto:


One future oppor­tu­nity for GTS is to engage with long-running, complex research topics all the way to the prelim­i­nary research phase. The knowl­edge gained from this simul­ta­ne­ously provides the basis for devel­op­ing new prod­ucts and for opti­mis­ing exist­ing ones. The result (among others) is their high degree of reusabil­ity, not just to the great satis­fac­tion of our customers.

This guar­an­tees the thrifty use of resources, in terms of sustain­abil­ity. A network of over 100 univer­si­ties and research insti­tutes coop­er­ate with GTS. This collab­o­ra­tion is prov­ing, more than ever, to be a win-win situ­a­tion for both sides. Fund­ing programmes of the EU and the Federal Repub­lic of Germany support the joint collab­o­ra­tion.

Areas such as gel cast­ing, isopress­ing, plat­inum smelt­ing and the devel­op­ment of synthetic bone substi­tute, container crucibles for solar tech­nol­ogy, reac­tion cham­bers for biogas and energy produc­tion are exam­ples here. In order to avoid getting lost in unprof­itable basic research, GTS always keeps in touch with its customers and always keeps the market in its sights. Here, jewellery foundries and smelt­ing plant manu­fac­tur­ers are partic­u­larly promis­ing areas.

Qual­ity assur­ance

The company uses systems to iden­tify poten­tial errors/faults through effec­tive organ­i­sa­tional and proce­dural struc­tures, to analyse their causes, and to prevent the occur­rence of errors/faults by taking appro­pri­ate preven­tive measures.

To achieve these aims, all employ­ees are involved in the process of intro­duc­ing the system and safe­guard­ing its long-term effi­ciency. To ensure the effec­tive­ness of these and other measures, the educa­tion, train­ing and moti­va­tion of employ­ees play a deci­sive role.

The raw mate­ri­als used at GTS are procured exclu­sively from certi­fied suppli­ers, in accor­dance with strin­gent, closely moni­tored accep­tance stan­dards. It is extremely impor­tant to stock up on crit­i­cal raw mate­ri­als in order to guar­an­tee consis­tent qual­ity in the long term. In partic­u­lar, GTS stores what are called “rare earths” in large quan­ti­ties. The result­ing, poten­tially unde­sir­able, capi­tal tie-up has paid off in the past, owing to the constantly rising prices of raw mate­ri­als.

The close contact with our customers gener­ates new ideas for qual­ity improve­ments or trend-setting new devel­op­ments. Through constantly docu­ment­ing each stage, our care­fully perfected, repro­ducible and trace­able manu­fac­tur­ing processes guar­an­tee a consis­tent prod­uct that meets the high­est qual­ity stan­dards.

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