GTS Keramik
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Jewellery sector
As in medical and preciÂsion castÂing, jewellery castÂings are generÂally produced using the lost-wax castÂing techÂnique. This techÂnique was already used in ancient times for producÂing filiÂgree works of art. Today, this process is still valid and is even successÂfully used in mass producÂtion. Many smeltÂing plant manuÂfacÂturÂers take advanÂtage of our many years’ expeÂriÂence and have the crucibles for their plants manuÂfacÂtured by GTS. FurtherÂmore, in close collabÂoÂraÂtion with the jewellery indusÂtry, GTS has develÂoped high-qualÂity crucibles that are particÂuÂlarly suitÂable for meltÂing platÂinum. The special nature of their qualÂity guarÂanÂtees a long service life in terms of reusabilÂity. This ensures economÂiÂcal use, so that these crucibles enjoy worldÂwide demand. Our alumina annealÂing dishes and crucibles are used for refinÂing natural rubies.