GTS Keramik
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
EngiÂneerÂing ceramÂics
The diverse propÂerÂties of ceramic prodÂucts offer an immense specÂtrum of possiÂble appliÂcaÂtions. CompoÂnents made of ceramÂics can now be found in almost all sectors of the econÂomy. Researchers are discovÂerÂing new appliÂcaÂtions every day. GTS has specialised in the field of wear techÂnolÂogy. Compact parts for mechanÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing or filiÂgree preciÂsion parts for medical techÂnolÂogy as well as special designs for elecÂtronÂics belong to our stanÂdard prodÂuct range. The 3D process is also used in the manuÂfacÂture of protoÂtypes. The subseÂquent sinter firing compresses the mateÂrÂial to such a high degree of hardÂness that the parts can only be processed further using diamond tools. This prodÂuct is used by many compaÂnies that need protoÂtypes in their develÂopÂment phase until large series are ready for producÂtion. We produce highly wear-resisÂtant ceramic compoÂnents made of differÂent ceramÂics and preciÂsion machined moulded parts accordÂing to our customers’ specÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions, as single pieces or in large series. Our techÂniÂcal service is also availÂable for you in this field and our staff are happy to advise you at any time.