General Terms and CondiÂtions
As of: 26.01.2012
1. AppliÂcaÂtion
Our General Terms and CondiÂtions are a compoÂnent of the contract and apply to all, thus also future, deals, delivÂerÂies and services of the GieĂź- TechÂnisÂche-SonderkÂeramik GmbH & Co. KG (in the followÂing named GTS) with the customer. They will be accepted by the customer to their full extent in the version valid at the time of the busiÂness transÂacÂtion. ReguÂlaÂtions deviÂatÂing from these condiÂtions, espeÂcially also busiÂness condiÂtions of the customer, are hereÂwith contraÂdicted. We point out that it is possiÂble to accept the GTCs in the interÂnet under
OThe company address is:
GieĂź- TechÂnisÂche- SonderkÂeramik GmbH & Co. KG
CEO: Andreas MĂĽller
Koppersstr. 29
40549 DĂĽsselÂdorf
2. Offers and contract concluÂsion
2.1 All offers are always free of obligÂaÂtion and non-bindÂing up to our order confirÂmaÂtion in writÂing.
2.2 CollatÂeral agreeÂments are only valid if they are confirmed in writÂing.
2.3 GTS expressly reserves the right to price changes, techÂniÂcal changes, mistakes, printÂing errors or interÂmeÂdiÂate sale.
3. Prices
The prices are in Euros plus legal VAT withÂout early payment discount and other deducÂtions. The prices at the time of orderÂing are valid. For delivÂery into EU counÂtries, the present VAT tax rates of the Federal RepubÂlic of Germany are valid; with non-EU counÂtries, the order value will be shortÂened by this amount. The customÂary import turnover tax is to be borne by the customer. The prices given in the offers and order confirÂmaÂtions are non-obligÂaÂtory; they are valid ex works and do not include packÂagÂing, transÂportaÂtion, postage, guarÂanÂteed value and VAT.
4. Payment condiÂtions
4.1 Purchase price includÂing all costs is due from accountÂing.
4.2 The payments are to be made gross withÂout discounts or any other deducÂtions, as long as another mode of payment has not been expressly agreed in writÂing.
4.3 With delay of the customer, GTS is entiÂtled to assert default interÂest accordÂing to the law for the accelÂerÂaÂtion of due payments. CompenÂsaÂtion claims going beyond this remain unafÂfected by this.
4.4 The customer can only offset against the claims of GTS if the counÂterÂclaim of the customer is undisÂputed or there is a legally bindÂing title.
5. ReserÂvaÂtion of title
5.1 Each delivÂery ensues under reserÂvaÂtion of title; only with complete payment of the invoice does the title transÂfer to the customer. Up to this time the goods must not be pledged, assigned by way of secuÂrity or be encumÂbered with other rights.
5.2 The purchaser is bound to insure the reserved goods on his costs to our beneÂfit suffiÂciently against fire and water damages as well as theft and burglary. Any insurÂance claims arisÂing in the event of damage have already been assigned to us. The assignÂment of claims is accepted.
6. ShipÂping charges
6.1 In addiÂtion to the value of the goods, the shipÂping costs given at the compleÂtion of the order are to be paid.
6.2 GTS expressly reserves the right, in case it is necesÂsary and condiÂtioned by the charÂacÂter of the order, to demand higher shipÂping charges in consulÂtaÂtion with the customer.
6.3 With non-EU counÂtries, indiÂvidÂual freight costs are calcuÂlated of which the customer will be informed followÂing an order. After this he can either confirm the order or cancel it.
7. Order
The order of the customer is bindÂing; it is only considÂered accepted with our writÂten order confirÂmaÂtion, invoice or the shipÂment of the goods to the purchaser.
8. Right of RevoÂcaÂtion
8.1 In orderÂing over the interÂnet, the consumer (not the trade customer) has the right to revoke the purchase contract withÂout giving reasons within 14 days from recepÂtion of the goods or to return the goods. For the obserÂvaÂtion of this deadÂline, it suffices to send the revoÂcaÂtion off in good time. Then a reverse transÂacÂtion of the contract will ensue step by step.
8.2 If the goods were used and have signs of wear, the purchase can likeÂwise only be revoked within the legal deadÂline of 14 days. We reserve the right to charge the consumer the decrease in value and value of the use of the goods.
8.3 If the revoÂcaÂtion concerns goods to a value of not more than 40 Euros, thus the purchaser has to bear the return costs unless the delivÂered goods do not correÂspond to the ones ordered.
8.4 When damaged goods are returned, we are entiÂtled to assert compenÂsaÂtion claims.
8.5 If the commerÂcial purchaser refuses to accept the goods or if he withÂdraws from the order, thus we reserve the right to assert 25% of the agreed purchase price as lump sum compenÂsaÂtion. With custom-made artiÂcles or goods espeÂcially ordered for the customer, a lump sum compenÂsaÂtion of 60% is seen as agreed on.
9. Notice of defects — warranty — LiabilÂity
9.1 InsoÂfar as nothÂing deviÂatÂing is agreed on, the legal warranty period of 24 months is valid for not obviÂous defects. With obviÂous defects, the customer has to report them two weeks after recepÂtion of the goods in writÂing presentÂing the copy of the invoice, otherÂwise warranty claims for obviÂous defects are excluded. The legal proviÂsions of the commerÂcial code apply to notices of defects by merchants.
9.2 The customer is bound to allow us to check the defecÂtive goods. When a defecÂtive object has been delivÂered, the customer has the choice of a claim to subseÂquent improveÂment of the defecÂtive object or replaceÂment delivÂery. Only if a subseÂquent improveÂment or first replaceÂment delivÂery fails, the customer can assert his right to withÂdraw from the contract (rescisÂsion) or reducÂing of the purchase price (reducÂtion). In the case of a subseÂquent fulfilÂment, the customer is however bound to return the defecÂtive object as well as pay compenÂsaÂtion for the beneÂfit of use.
9.3 There is no guarÂanÂtee obligÂaÂtion for damages due to normal wear as well as incorÂrect handling. We carry the risk in returnÂing goods rightly rejected. We also pay when the goods are sent anew.
9.4 We are excluÂsively liable for damages arisÂing from the violaÂtion of essenÂtial contracÂtual main responÂsiÂbilÂiÂties (cardiÂnal duties). A further liabilÂity only arises from the prodÂuct liabilÂity law, or due to intenÂtional or grossly negliÂgent behavÂiour by us or our vicarÂiÂous agents.
10. LimiÂtaÂtion of liabilÂity
10.1 The GTS guarÂanÂtees that the contract prodÂucts are not afflicted with defects, which also include the absence of warranted charÂacÂterÂisÂtics. The producÂtion of the contract prodÂucts ensues with all necesÂsary care. The contract parties are however aware of the fact that it is not possiÂble, accordÂing to the present state of the art, to exclude errors in the end-prodÂuct under all appliÂcaÂtion condiÂtions. TechÂniÂcal charÂacÂterÂisÂtics and descripÂtions in producÂtion inforÂmaÂtion alone do not present any assurÂance of certain features, insoÂfar as they have no effects on qualÂity and usabilÂity of the objects. ThereÂfore, customÂary deviÂaÂtions remain reserved. An assurÂance of charÂacÂterÂisÂtics is only given in the legal sense if the respecÂtive inforÂmaÂtion was confirmed in writÂing by GTS. The liabilÂity of GTS is excluÂsively based on the agreeÂments made in the previÂous section. This is not valid in case of gross fault or intent.
10.2 The liabilÂity limiÂtaÂtion applies to contracÂtual as well as non-contracÂtual claims.
10.3 All delivÂerÂies to commerÂcial resellers are subject to the reserÂvaÂtions of correct and timely self-delivÂery. A delivÂery period begins as soon as all order condiÂtions were agreed on. It extends, regardÂless of our rights with customer delays, by the time which the customer is in delay. Partial delivÂerÂies are basiÂcally permitÂted and bind the buyer to accept, unless someÂthing else was expressly agreed on during the contract concluÂsion.
10.4 Delay in delivÂery which occurs due to force majeure or due to events which make the delivÂery essenÂtially more diffiÂcult or imposÂsiÂble – for examÂple busiÂness disrupÂtions, strikes, offiÂcial orders, natural cataÂstroÂphes, etc.- frees GTS from observÂing certain agreed on delivÂery periÂods.
10.5 The customer can withÂdraw from the contract if we are in delay and have let an extenÂsion of time of 4 weeks expire unused.
11. Data protecÂtion
In handling your personal data, we observe all proviÂsions of the data protecÂtion law, and are entiÂtled to process and store all data concernÂing the busiÂness relaÂtions with the customer observÂing this law. FurtherÂmore, we are authoÂrised accordÂing to applicÂaÂble law to obtain details about credÂitÂworÂthiÂness from mercanÂtile and credit enquiry agenÂcies.
12. Place of jurisÂdicÂtion
The followÂing place of jurisÂdicÂtion agreeÂment is only valid for the busiÂness transÂacÂtions with merchants. If the customer of GTS is a merchant in the sense of the law, the place of perforÂmance and the place of jurisÂdicÂtion is DĂĽsselÂdorf. RegardÂing a consumer as customer, the general place of jurisÂdicÂtion follows the code of civil proceÂdure. The contracÂtual relaÂtionÂship is subject to German law.
13. SeverÂabilÂity clause
Should single proviÂsions of these terms and condiÂtions be or become totally or partially invalid, the validÂity of the remainÂing proviÂsions is not affected. The contract parties are bound in this case to interÂpret and formuÂlate the proviÂsions in such a way that the success striven for with the void or legally invalid parts is attained as far as possiÂble.