Made in Germany
As one of Germany’s leadÂing manuÂfacÂturÂers of indusÂtrial ceramÂics, GTS offers innoÂvÂaÂtive soluÂtions in the fields of special ceramÂics and wear techÂnolÂogy. Our prodÂucts in the areas of preciÂsion castÂing, jewellery castÂing, laboÂraÂtory and medical techÂnolÂogy are versaÂtile. It is clear to us that the innoÂvaÂtion and top qualÂity of our prodÂucts is founded on our many years of research and develÂopÂment. Our motto is “Always be one step ahead”! Discover the diverÂsity of GTS and feel free to enquire about our prodÂucts at no obligÂaÂtion.
PreciÂsion castÂing
The lost-wax castÂing process is a very old techÂnolÂogy that makes it possiÂble to produce compliÂcated indiÂvidÂual parts or even large series. Often, the castÂings do not need to be reworked, thanks to their high preciÂsion.
EngiÂneerÂing ceramÂics
The diverse propÂerÂties of ceramic prodÂucts offer an immense specÂtrum of possiÂble appliÂcaÂtions. CompoÂnents made of ceramÂics can now be found in almost all sectors of the econÂomy.
IlluÂmiÂnants and the glass indusÂtry
IlluÂmiÂnants (lamps and bulbs) are becomÂing ever more effiÂcient and energy-saving. Ceramic is used not only as an insuÂlaÂtor but also as a carrier mateÂrÂial. It is oxidaÂtion-free and heat-resisÂtant.
AeroÂspace indusÂtry
In the aeroÂspace indusÂtry, the search is on for new mateÂriÂals that can meet the exactÂing requireÂments. Ceramic is a promisÂing and imporÂtant mateÂrÂial for this purpose.
PharÂmaÂceuÂtics and mediÂcine
In the pharÂmaÂceuÂtiÂcal and medical techÂnolÂogy sectors, GTS is recogÂnised as a major supplier of high-qualÂity prodÂucts.
Jewellery sector
As in medical and preciÂsion castÂing, jewellery castÂings are generÂally produced using the lost-wax castÂing techÂnique.
Solar and battery indusÂtry
As a manuÂfacÂturer of ceramic compoÂnents, GTS was deciÂsively involved in the develÂopÂment of solar cells from its early beginÂnings.