GTS Keramik
Made in Germany


As one of Germany’s lead­ing manu­fac­tur­ers of indus­trial ceram­ics, GTS offers inno­v­a­tive solu­tions in the fields of special ceram­ics and wear tech­nol­ogy. Our prod­ucts in the areas of preci­sion cast­ing, jewellery cast­ing, labo­ra­tory and medical tech­nol­ogy are versa­tile. It is clear to us that the inno­va­tion and top qual­ity of our prod­ucts is founded on our many years of research and devel­op­ment. Our motto is “Always be one step ahead”! Discover the diver­sity of GTS and feel free to enquire about our prod­ucts at no oblig­a­tion.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Preci­sion cast­ing

The lost-wax cast­ing process is a very old tech­nol­ogy that makes it possi­ble to produce compli­cated indi­vid­ual parts or even large series. Often, the cast­ings do not need to be reworked, thanks to their high preci­sion.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Engi­neer­ing ceram­ics

The diverse prop­er­ties of ceramic prod­ucts offer an immense spec­trum of possi­ble appli­ca­tions. Compo­nents made of ceram­ics can now be found in almost all sectors of the econ­omy.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Illu­mi­nants and the glass indus­try

Illu­mi­nants (lamps and bulbs) are becom­ing ever more effi­cient and energy-saving. Ceramic is used not only as an insu­la­tor but also as a carrier mate­r­ial. It is oxida­tion-free and heat-resis­tant.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Aero­space indus­try

In the aero­space indus­try, the search is on for new mate­ri­als that can meet the exact­ing require­ments. Ceramic is a promis­ing and impor­tant mate­r­ial for this purpose.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Phar­ma­ceu­tics and medi­cine

In the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and medical tech­nol­ogy sectors, GTS is recog­nised as a major supplier of high-qual­ity prod­ucts.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Jewellery sector

As in medical and preci­sion cast­ing, jewellery cast­ings are gener­ally produced using the lost-wax cast­ing tech­nique.

Precision casting by GTS-Keramik

Solar and battery indus­try

As a manu­fac­turer of ceramic compo­nents, GTS was deci­sively involved in the devel­op­ment of solar cells from its early begin­nings.