Spinel (SP-30-G)

70% Al2O3 30% MgO

Over the past few years, GTS Research has been inten­sively devel­op­ing its crucible programme. Both high-density labo­ra­tory crucibles and porous, coarse crys­talline grades for the melt­ing process are the response to requests made by inter­ested customers. Partic­u­larly MgO spinel is in great demand due to its good ther­mal and chem­i­cal resis­tance to aggres­sive alka­lis. In the field of battery research GTS has devel­oped, in collab­o­ra­tion with the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute in Herms­dorf, large-format sinter­ing crucibles which are being tested in prac­tice. Spinel crucibles are used in metal­lurgy due to their good slag resis­tance. In smelt­ing aluminium and in the glass indus­try, the lotus effect comes into play. The high ther­mal conduc­tiv­ity and compar­a­tively good ther­mal shock resis­tance (temper­a­ture change resis­tance) are partic­u­larly worthy of mention.


  • good ther­mal and chem­i­cal resis­tance to aggres­sive alka­lis
  • high ther­mal conduc­tiv­ity
  • compar­a­tively good ther­mal shock resis­tance
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to: lead, manganese, hydrochlo­ric acid (30%), silver

Directional Analysis

Cast Spinel (dense)
Qual­ity SP-30‑G